Nora shares her research journey, soul searching, and the people she met while writing the book. Believing she was his soul mate, the knight professed his love for the maiden who had an inner essence as pure as his own. Synonyms for soul-search include introspect, look inward, self-reflect, contemplate, meditate, ponder, reflect, reflect upon, ruminate and self-question. All he said was, please give me a lesser sentence and the High Court Judge obliged. The Health Ministry must also do some penetrating soul searching. 3. After much soul-searching, I decided to resign. . There are two ways: as a noun and as an adjective (noun adjunct). Find … 1. Search / Page tools. Journaling can be in any format: lists, sentences, scribbles, letter to yourself, song, poem, lyrics, or quotes. Words containing soul, words that contain soul, words including soul, words with soul in them. Ultimately, the point of soul searching is to find your life purpose, values, and passion. It means soul searching, looking for answers from within. ~ Walt Whitman Tweet. ~ Pema Chödrön Tweet. My year was really spent doing a lot of soul-searching and trying to find out what had gone wrong in my life. It was a very good deal. 0. 5. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Fantendo Smash Bros. ~ Ludwig van Beethoven Tweet. Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Instead, it’s a deeply personal process that revolves introspection, self-inquisition, learning, and (above all) time. 125. Define soul-searching. “I've been doing a lot of thinking and soul-searching lately, and I'm not sure I like what I'm discovering.”. Looking deep within ourselves to find why we think or act the way we do, regarding a particular situation. 2. Soul searching is the idea of taking a step back, examining your life and yourself with the aim of replenishing the soul. 4- Stevenson sat with him for many soul-searching hours. 1. heart-searching (related) 0. Alhamdulillah means All praises and thanks be to Allah (God). more_vert. What does SOUL-CRUSHING mean? self-introspection. Questions are simple and direct ways of finding your personal truth. Helpful Not Helpful. Nothing is more intolerable than to have admit to yourself your own errors. We're asking upper management to search their souls and realize that this decision will negatively impact every employee in the company. navel-watching. 1. I am “doing” the action “to run.”. George Bernard Shaw. 3. Example sentences for: soul-searching How can you use “soul-searching” in a sentence? A deliberate movement, action, or thought…. Some sentence example. 1 To examine penetratingly and thoroughly; to make a soul-searching analysis of; (reflexive) to examine (oneself) in this way. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into … ... — Use scorching in a sentence. And he heaped blandishments on Shlomo Halberstam, the chief rabbi of the Bobovers. besmirching, heart-searching, researching, self-searching, soul-searching, strip-searching, unchurching. introspection, self-contemplation, self-examination, self-observation, self-questioning, self-reflection, The trial gave rise to a flood of soul-searching … Here are 39 of the greatest opening sentences from fantasy novels! It should make us … In the second sentence, “running” is used as a gerund (noun) and “like” is the verb. Examples of soul-searching in a sentence, how to use it. There can be a number of reasons to embark on the process of soul searching. Sara sings. 350. ↻. Survived dog attack, Beatlemania and egomania. Meanings Synonyms Sentences Now go home and get some rest. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines soul searching as – “examination of one’s conscience especially with regard to motives and values. Self-analysis of our own motive or attitude toward something. Use ‘soul-searching’ in a sentence | ‘soul-searching’ example sentences. Love the show? The traumatic episode of workers’ deaths at the company in the late 2000s led to deep soul-searching over corporate culture in France. Commonly used words are shown in bold. That the soul of our grandam might haply inhabit a bird. ‘The experience was a time of deep reflection and soul-searching.’. Use Words. Votes: 4. 1. You sort out your feelings and thoughts and gain better control of yourself. ‘my conclusions required a great deal of soul-searching’. Answer (1 of 11): This phrase basically means to look intently and honestly at yourself. Georgia Renouf. Old soul, young spirit, hopeful heart. Soul-searching is a long and careful examination of your thoughts and feelings, especially when you are trying to make a difficult moral decision or thinking about something that has gone wrong . Overall, End of Sentence awkwardly mixes road movie tropes with stripped down soul-searching drama, but there is still a lot here to enjoy, even if … Words containing soul | Words that contain soul ... -containing-soul. more_vert. open_in_new Link to source ; warning Request revision ... English How to use "soul" in a sentence . The things you do over the course of a day — habitually or on impulse — say a lot about how you see yourself and how comfortable you are with your own company. Many others just don’t have the ability to do this well. Catherine Palmer. You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul. See more. serious reflection or soul-searching. 127. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Soul-searching meaning and usage. The move has prompted renewed soul-searching in a country where many want to move on and forget. uncountable noun. No soul was stirring abroad, no dog barked. converging, discharging, diverging, emerging, enlarging, soul-searching, submerging More ideas: — Try the advanced search interface for more ideas. Display options for sense: (gloss) "an example sentence" Noun S: (n) soul-searching , self-analysis (a penetrating examination of your own beliefs and motives) 4. Filter. Transfigurations all days, only for fun. David Emerald Womeldorff. The accused then appealed against the sentence. search our own hearts. It can also be applied to your life as a whole. examination of one's own thoughts and feelings. You are offline. Rare words are dimmed. Benefits of Using a Sentence Sorter Activity. Learn Ludwig. Soul-searching is not some external hunt for the hidden soul. Breaking News Death prompts soul-searching about ‘sisters’ of Chatham: 'We all feel like we knew them, but we didn't know them at all' “Whether you believe in God, universe, source, whatever—there’s a higher power out there that is available … Foreign Policy: Egypt's Revolutionary Soul-Searching The trial of Egyptian former president Hosni Mubarak is over, but for many Egyptian … This is an hour for soul-searching, not lobbyists'blandishments. 0. Look at your personal life and daily habits. Be present to where you are at and to yourself. ~Austin O'Malley, Keystones of Thought, 1914 Information and translations of soul-searching in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; Here, only a few timid souls enter the gates of heaven. Your soul is doing the searching and it is trying to jolt you out of the hypnosis of everyday awareness. A lot of things are responsible for making your hair . vision quest. After much soul-searching she decided to leave. Soul searching allows people to get a look at their inner selves, which will almost certainly have a tremendous impact on how they interact with the broader world. Saturday Night Live featured a hilarious skit about cancel warriors who doxed 5-year-olds for their insensitive words. Definition of soul-searching noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. I opened my whole soul to Filippo. My whole soul was bathed in unutterable tenderness. Each person goes through this process differently, but here are a few steps that figure into the journey. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary 13,290,254,446 visits served. At some point, that stopped bugging her and became an attraction. The act or process of introverting or the quality of being introverted. What it really means when you are soul searching is that your soul is trying to reconnect you with its purpose. Gerardo Manuel Padrón Ortiz. Synonyms for soul-searching. Meaning of SOUL-CRUSHING. ... searching ahead for a glimpse of his quarry as he continued to hug the right side of the narrow roadway. To Princess Mary it was strange that now, at a moment when such sorrow was filling her soul, there could be rich people and poor, … It means that energetically, you release the want, and the constant feeling of the lack of money because you no longer look to the measure of it for success or happiness. Soul-searching in a sentence 1. 3. Soul-sucking as a adjective means Depressingly tedious. Many people are uncomfortable and afraid to truly look at themselves, warts and all. search (one's) soul To carefully consider or think about one's own emotions about or motivations for something. Sound definition, the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations transmitted through the air or other medium. Let out your expressions, frustrations, anger, happiness, sadness, an outlet for emotions. Synonyms for soul-searching include introspection, reflection, contemplation, rumination, thought, meditation, assessment, consideration, deliberation and examination ... While there may be exceptions to the prisoners listed below, this often means the inmate will serve their entire life in prison. more . After days of soul-searching he finally came to the decision to leave home. deliberate definition: 1. Be curious, not judgmental. Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. I did a lot of soul-searching, trying to find out what had gone wrong in my life. Login . Examples of soul-searching in a Sentence. Do we ever indulge in this introspection and soul searching? ... Action men don't need large vocabularies because they aren't having soul-searching inner-doubt monologs about "To be, or not to be". This was the time for me for introspection. Soul-searching definition, the act or process of close and penetrating analysis of oneself, to determine one's true motives and sentiments. Alas, it only sounds like soul-searching. Everything else – it’s just the weather. Ye-yeah Remember when they said I'm not enough? after much soul-searching, they both realized that their marriage was essentially over. woolgathering. Aaron Swartz’s Suicide Prompts MIT Soul-Searching. Introspection is a skill and a value that is often undervalued, despite its myriad of psychological benefits. Information and translations of SOUL-CRUSHING in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. entry can be long or short, can make multiple entries in one day. look at yourselves. 3. You need to have some time when you haven’t got a long to do list, or at least you have put it to the side. In many cases, it can be applied to a big life decision, an interpersonal situation, or a moment where you feel overwhelmed. Beats by Dre, Capital by Marx. He said while in the hospital for treatment of the cancer and other ailments, he did some soul searching and reconnected with his faith in God. Why do we profess to so love and adore and worship and seek closeness to the wolf, the supposed poster child for all that's remote, wild and free, the mournful soul-searching stuff of poetry and song, not to mention fawning documentaries and movies, while at the same time we're taught to despise and persecute by any means bullet, trap, wire, poison its close cousin and equally … But short sentences, stripped of adjectives and adverbs, signal masculinity. Definition of soul-searching. Brevity is the soul of wit. : examination of one's conscience especially with regard to motives and values. After much soul-searching, he decided it was wrong to vote in the elections. Example sentences with the word glimpse. Almost every state tried to put a curb on the . Although only a quarter of the way into the book I’ve already discovered how much of an “enlightened” person I am. noun. Click on a word above to view its definition. self exploration. soul-searching: 1 n a penetrating examination of your own beliefs and motives Synonyms: self-analysis Type of: introspection , self-contemplation , self-examination the contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct And finally, transitional devices link sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are … 2- All the radical soul-searching was born of basic economic security. About what we really want to do and who we really want to be. Alas, I've no soul here: we're all alone. some. Ultimately, the point of soul searching is to find your life purpose, values, and passion. Once you know these things from your core, you are able to apply them to more specific situations or areas of your life while knowing that you are staying true to who you are and what you want. Noun. self questioning. soliloquy. Here are 10 soul searching quotes that will help you look within and make changes wherever you need to: 1 “Stop looking outside for scraps of pleasure for the fulfillment, for validation, security, or love – you have a... 2 “Give yourself the gift of time in coming to answers for your life…It takes time, and a lot of introspection and... More ... daydreaming. Disgraced Melrose Place star Amy Locane has lost a bid to have her eight-year prison sentence for a New Jersey drunk driving crash that killed a 60-year-old woman and severely injured her husband. Alex is a lot like his father in some ways. Let's all agree to sit on this for a week and do some soul searching. Browsing all the way down to the next search box is highly recommended. The sentence for one appeal to run consecutively after the other. Definition of SOUL-CRUSHING in the dictionary. 211. Transitional devices are words or phrases that help carry a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another. Among these are characters from various eras of Fantendo, including the Classic Fantendoverse (2007-2014), New Fantendoverse (2014-2020), Fantendoverse Tau (2020) and Boundless Fantendoverse (2021-present).
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