. This catfish is omnivores and will eat anything from vegetable to more meaty food. Synodontis Petricola Pink. Most Synodontis are nocturnal and will forage for food at night. Description. If your worried about them getting food, try some kind of pellet food that sinks or Hikari algae waffers are a good supplement. The Dwarf Cuckoo Catfish (Synodontis petricola) is a small and very popular . Sexing: Females are usually fuller bodied and males more slender, but venting with a strong magnifying glass is the only accurate way to sex Petricola. Thy are great bottom feeder for such a beautiful nano tank. They commonly have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years, but there are reports of them living up to 25 years. It should be decorated with a good amount of rocky caves/PVC tubes, some driftwood, and robust planting (that can cope with hard, alkaline conditions . The fry of Synodontis petricola are very vulnerable. Predatory Fins is owned by fish fanatics just like you. A. Andrew69 Feeder Fish. List: $ 34.99 $ 29.00 $ 27.00 Read more; Catfish - Dwarf Bumble Bee Brazilian Catfish. Hybrid Synodontis are relatively easy to feed, as with most other true species, and will readily feed on most live, frozen and commercial food. Catfish - Petricola Catfish (Synodontis petricola) 3cm. As a digger, the Synodontis Eupterus Catfish will appreciate a fine sandy bottom with large roots and crevices for hiding places in a tank of 50 gallons . 3-4 cm. Wels aquarium - Die preiswertesten Wels aquarium auf einen Blick! These are also known as Dwarf Synodontis they stay smaller than Synodontis multipunctatus. Unlike the majority of the genus, S. petricola is actually bred quite often in aquaria. For example, use Posthorn snails, they not only clean up the mess at a later stage but are also good . Synodontis Petricola, also known as the pygmy leopard catfish, is a catfish which grows to a length of approximately 4 inches.Native to Lake Tanganyika in Eastern Africa, this species is rare and highly sought amongst aquarists. 180 gal - Male Peacock and Yellow Lab Community. I would like to buy some. Max Size: 5″ Diet: omnivore. Overview. The Dwarf Cuckoo Catfish (Synodontis petricola) is a small and very popular . Easily one of the more attractive catfish in the hobby, the Synodontis Petricola is an excellent addition to a community aquarium. It is not a picky eater, but prefers meat based over vegetable based food. Scientific Name: synodontis petricola. Food: Algae Skinking Wafer A fantastic bottom feeder for any high pH or African Cichlid aquarium. I plan to go down to just the 8 adult demasoni and 6 fry. I feed mine new life spectrum, and Hikari algae waffers. Their bright white and stark black colorations and earth tones make them a beautiful, eye-catching specimen. Synodontis petricola. 原聲 - loughsunsetxn. Scientific (Latin) name - Synodontis Petricola. Also, I will be adding 3 yellow labs. Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 30 gallon / 120 litre Syno Petricola are renowned as the most peaceful of the Syno species, and with their inquisitive nature, they benefit well from stimulating décor. These are also known as Dwarf Synodontis they stay smaller than Synodontis multipunctatus. After I adjust my stock, can I keep synodontis petricola with the mbunas. Synodontis Catfish are omnivores and should be offered sinking catfish pellets, freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, plus a good quality flake food. Family, related species - They are of the Synodontis family of catfish, which tend to be hardier catfish then ones like picus or cories, meaning they can cope with more aggressive fish better.. Place of Origin: Lake Tanganyika, . This catfish is omnivores and will eat anything from vegetable to more meaty food. Fish were fed for 84 days and weighed and measured every 14 days. Description. It is usually an open spawning egg scatterer but it is also one of the few fish known to exhibit a method of spawning known as brood parasitism. Keeping Synodontis petricola as with the other Lake species tends to be a little diverse from your run-of-the-mill Syno's as water parameters are different with the p.H. List: $ 16.79 $ 12.99 Add to cart; Sale! Frozen, live and dried foods are all accepted. . The Petricola Catfish comes from Lake Tanganyika in Eastern Africa. . Growth of S. petricola averaged 0.06 mm/day for both age groups. Synodontis petricola. 8 0 Share. The Synodontis petricola is one of the smaller remaining catfish from Lake Tanganyika with a total length of about 10 cm. The Petricola Catfish is known only from the northern rocky shorelines of Lake Tanganyika, Africa. Active, Social Fish, will graze throughout day. Slow growers. tending to be on the alkaline side, and they are best housed in a large tank (3ft or over) with Cichlids from the Rift Valley Lakes with a coral substrate, or tufta rock, to keep the p.H. Food & feeding-Pellets & flakes -Repashy gel food -Live feeders -Frozen food -Freeze dried -Fresh preserved -Artemia and hatchery -Koi food -Reptiles/ turtle . Synodontis Petricola. £ 23.40. Growth of S. petricola averaged 0.06 mm/day for both age groups. Dec 12, 2016. Synodontis Dwarf Petricola (Synodontis Petricola) Synodontis Petricola are omnivorous and are most unfussy in terms of feeding. The beauty of the synodontis catfish is best revealed in solitary confinement. Note the statement that petricola can reach that length. up if you are in a soft water area. Two age groups of juvenile Synodontis petricola (Group I, 0.5 years and Group II, 1.5 years) were reared on each of five diets: formulated dry diet; Artemia; Spirulina; formulated diet plus Artemia; and formulated diet plus Spirulina. Native to Lake Tanganika in Africa, the Dwarf Synodontis Catfish (Synodontis petricola) is also known as the Dwarf Cuckoo Catfish. Two age groups of juvenile Synodontis petricola (Group I, 0.5 years and Group II, 1.5 years) were reared on each of five diets: formulated dry diet; Artemia; Spirulina; formulated diet plus Artemia; and formulated diet plus Spirulina. Food; Rainbowfish & Loaches; Books & Posters; Our Location. There was no significant . Perhaps one of the more surprising tankmates for African cichlids and other large fish, Synodontis Petricola are cute, shy, and good-natured. Get app. The others also being Tanganyikan Synodontis species! It is scientifically reported that the S. petricola CAN reach a length of 5.1 inches total, while lucipinnis will only achieve a length of 3.9 inches. Petricolas ( Synodontis petricola 'dwarf') Petricolas are some of my favorite Lake Tanganyika fish. It has leopard-like spotting across its head and body as well as black fins with white margins, making for a very beautiful fish. The catfish times its spawning to coincide with that of a . The Cuckoo Catfish has an elongated body that is usually gold, white or tan with black patches that increase in size from the head, back towards the tail. The average adult in an aquarium is 6-8 inches and in the wild the average adult can reach 12 inches. . It is not a picky eater, but prefers meat based over vegetable based food. This small catfish species grows up to 4.5 inches and is peaceful, making it an excellent choice for a community tank with similarly sized tankmates. I used treated substrate and bacteria from other tank. * For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air. Temperature Range 74-83. Fish were fed for 84 days and weighed and measured every 14 days. I really love their interesting body shape and the way they glide snake-like through the water. They are very active fish and one of the most peaceful of the Synodontis family. 125gal - South American community: Angels, Festivum; lightly planted. Synodontis Eupterus . Common names Synonyms Metabolism Predators Ecotoxicology Reproduction Maturity Spawning Spawning aggregation Fecundity Eggs Egg development. 5*c/p* days now. Description. One of my tanks is a 55 gallon with around 8 adult demasoni and 10 one inch fry that I just released back into the tank. I have 9 in a 55 gallon tank, they were about 1-1.5" when I got them a year ago, and have more than doubled in size since then. Email: It is always considered that so-called "cleaning fish" can live without food because they are supported with debris and . Synodontis Catfish usually have fairly robust and spiny dorsal and pectoral fins, and three pairs of barbells, used for scavenging amongst the substrate and navigating environment. In Stock. Follow. Out of stock. Please read our LIVESTOCK SHIPPING POLICY carefully before placing your order. It should be decorated with a good amount of rocky caves/PVC tubes, some driftwood, and robust planting (that can cope with hard . Only show this user. Pygmy Leopard Catfish (False Cuckoo Catfish) How hard are they to keep? Remarks: The Dwarf Petricola gets its name from the similarities it shares with Synodontis petricola, which is rarely imported into the hobby. A comparison of feeding rates of 5000-10 000 nematodes larva−1 day−1 showed that fish receiving 5000 nematodes larva−1 day . She is bluish with a lot of black dots. Breeding Mollies Molly Gender Net Breeder Food for Babies Breeding Bettas Breeding Gouramis Breeding Guppies Guppy Gender Breeding Goldfish Breeding Angelfish Breeding Convicts Breeding Oscars Mouth Brooders Holding Eggs Giselle's Aquarium Breeding Sebaes . Synodontis petricola eggs hatch out in about 48 to 78 hours, from my first spawn we had over 200 eggs. A varied diet of quality flakes and pellet food are readily accepted, along with freeze-dried, frozen and live foods. View Larger Map. Feed a high quality varied diet once or twice a day and you will keep your Petricola catfish happy and healthy. . Synodontis Dwarf Petricola (Synodontis Petricola) Synodontis Petricola are omnivorous and are most unfussy in terms of feeding. The net must therefore be kept clean. In Nature live it in Africa, Tanzania, Malawi, Sahara and Reef Valley. The aquarium should be spacious with a soft sandy substrate in order to protect the sensory barbels. Synodontis Petricola, also known as the Even-Spotted Petricola or Cuckoo Synodontis, hail from the northern region of Lake Tanganyika. Synodontis Catfish profile. Delivery Information. The aquarium should be spacious with a soft sandy substrate in order to protect the sensory barbels. They also come out of thier hideing places more as they age. The fish's feelers are used for finding food and without a fine substrate they can become damaged during digging. Photo is not an actual photograph of the item you will be receiving, it is just a representation. Their pectoral, dorsal and caudal fins are predominantly black with white to transparent edges. My petricola's thrive on a varied diet of spirulina flakes, african cichlid flakes, frozen bloodworms, and frozen brine shrimp. It is a catfish which grows to a length of approximately 11cm. Synodontis is a freshwater catfish that is most commonly found throughout Africa, occurring mostly in Central and West Africa. . SKU: AACAT000002-1-1-1-1 Categories: Catfish , Fish , Planted Tank Species Get TikTok App . The two anal fins are also pale, with small black triangles and are positioned close to the body. The Synodontis Eupterus Catfish is also known as the Featherfin Squeaker and is from the rivers and lakes of Africa. Originating in African waters, Synodontis Catfish differ significantly in measurement, with nearly all of the aquarium species reaching . The dorsal fin and pectoral fins . With a diminutive size and a mild, amicable personality, the Dwarf Petricola Synodontis Catfish makes a great community fish. This is an accurate representation of what your fish will look like when you receive them. Synodontis petricola. Synodontis lucipinnis is known only from Musende Rocks, Zambian Lake Tanganyika. Petricola are well known as the most peaceful of the Synodontis species, and with their inquisitive nature, they benefit well from stimulating décor. by Dr. Who 6/20/2014, 9:32 pm » Water changes by Dr. Who 6/20/2014, 9:31 pm Common name - Syno Petricola, Petricola catfish, Pygmy Leaopard catfish. Some of the bigger species in the genus are important food sources for the . Add to basket View Product. 2020-7-13. Mar 22, 2012 #9 Petricola are best kept in groups of 5 or more, 2 might not feel secure enough to come out. This fish is widely found in the water bodies of Chad, Sudan, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria. Food consumption Ration. Subscribe to the Cichlid Express/ Daytona Aquarium newsletter * indicates required. The Featherfin Squeaker is fairly large and a long-lived catfish. Meet the Synodontis Catfish. This species has a large dorsal fin, similar to a veil, and an unusual skin color. We would class this as a easy care level.

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