Page vi. He's been asking for them. ... 5 Clearly Explaining Johnny's Past. why is Dally having so much trouble handling Johnny‘s death? 8. He even comments about the difference between the Greasers and the Socs using the movement of the sun as a bridge between the worlds. Johnny has to endure such a bad home life, Dally has lived a hard life, but he always protects the greasers. 4. One very weird difference that came up is in the book they are in the West side and East side, the movie they are in the North side and South side. Explore the death of Dally, Dallas Kincade, in ''The Outsiders'' by S.E. Journal Entry #10: Take My Advice! These two boys both have neglectful and abusive parents and place little value on their lives. Darry and Sodapop come to get Ponyboy, and Darry and Ponyboy make up. Dally's death was a bigger deal than Johnny's. Dally and Johnny both come from broken homes and are significant members of the Greaser gang. An illustration of a horizontal line over an up pointing arrow. Dallas WInston. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade. Why would Two-Bit think Johnny, Dally, and Pony were heroes all along; before they saved the kids? Johnny died a hero and Dally died a hoodlum. Dally cared about hardly anything in the world. Dally's death was a bigger deal than Johnny's. Hinton, the characters Johnny and Dally are two buddies that have similarities and differences between them. Dally risked his life for Johnny and Ponyboy Digging A Little Deeper Questions 7. He pulled an unloaded gun in order to force the police to shoot him. Dally died in a hail of bullets, as the police reacted to his brandishing an unloaded weapon. Dally is rough while Johnny is soft. What is the difference between a Greaser and a Soc? Dally's death loses much of its impact because viewers aren't able to get to know him. Asked by arman g #348563 on 12/3/2013 11:39 PM Last updated by Aslan on 12/3/2013 11:41 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. They either beat him or ignore him completely. Hinton. Baltimore in a blaze - Anderson's account of the surrender of Fort Sumter - A talk with Alexander H. Stephens - … Biblioteca personale The relationship between Johnny and Ponyboy is very special because they are friends that treat each other like brothers and share a special bond with each other. Bob - dies from Johnny stabbing him when he was drowning Ponyboy. Add Yours. These two boys both have neglectful and abusive parents and place little value on their lives. Johnny was the personality that united the boys more than anyone, probably, because he needed protecting. Two-Bit thinks Johnny, Dally, and Pony are heroes because they each act like a hero in other ways. In the book, the book shows Ponyboy’s perspective, him being driven by a man whereas the film shows the crime Dally commits, in which he robs a bookstore. The Outsiders (Novel) Dallas "Dally" Winston was a greaser, the tritagonist of The Outsiders, and a member of The Gang. Dally meanwhile, is described as not having the “shade of difference that separates a Greaser from a hood” on page fourteen. 2. 7. Johnny is more law-abiding than Dally and when Johnny died, he died a hero, unlike Dally. Answers: 1. (page 152) showed just the effect that the death of Johnny left on Dally. What do you think the doctor means when he says to the nurse, "Let them go in. They are jumped by Bob, Randy, and other Socs, and during the fight Johnny stabs and kills Bob to stop him from drowning Ponyboy in a fountain. Dally is like his big brother. See further detail related to it here. How did Dally make a difference according to Ponyboy? .42; CHAPTER V. - MONTGOMERY, Ala., April 27, 1861 - May 20, 1861. Dally is not badly hurt either, but Johnny’s back was broken by the falling roof, and he is in critical condition. Then, what did the doctor reveal about Johnny's condition? It is unlike him to talk to Dally like that. Johnny and Dally have a few similarities. Johnny's death makes Dally feel as though he failed to protect him, and Dally would rather die than live with the guilt of that knowledge. One night at the movies, Ponyboy and Johnny fall in love with Sherri "Cherry" Valance and Marcia, once they get Dally Winston, the toughest and meanest of the Greasers to stop attempting to "score" with the girls. 10. Click to see full answer. Johnny's character is also weaker in the movie than the book. Dally like the other members of the gangs drinks to help his problems. What happened with Dally in the end? 11. Ponyboy notes that the difference between their gang and the Shepard gang is that Tim Shepard uses "strict discipline;" there is a clear leader and they are organized, while Ponyboy's gang is "just buddies who stuck together." What are the Similarities? Johnny - dies from fire in a church it also paralyzes him and gives him third degree burns. . While Dally’s death seemed tragic, if Dally had continued in the same manner, the lives of the Greasers and Ponyboy would…. CHAPTER. Johnny Cade and Dally Winston are similar because they both have neglectful and abusive parents and place little value on their lives. Known as the toughest of the Greaser gang, with no family, Dally felt he could take violent risks. Pony is in denial about Johnny's death, and keeps repeating that he isn't dead. Dally pulls out an unloaded gun and points it to the police, and the police shoot him, and he dies. When Johnny asks him to leave the girls alone, Dally stomps off to find trouble elsewhere. What is the extent of Johnny’s injuries after the fire? He leaves the hospital and roams the streets until a stranger picks him up and drives him home. Johnny died a hero and Dally died a hoodlum. Dally died a hero and Johnny died a hoodlum. Dally's death was a bigger deal than Johnny's. The main fighting and hatred between the Greasers and the Socs is just as strong in the movie as it is in the book, but the details about the locations of the groups are changed for the movie. Hinton's The Outsiders: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. Asked by Mercades #261031. Despite these large similarities there are some very apparent differences. When the character, Johnny, died, Dally and Pony reacted very differently to it. Dally, after seeing Johnny die thought he’s life was very bleak so he decided to rob a store to get gunned down by the police because he though he life was not worth living. - CAMDEN, S. C., April 20, 1861 - April 22,1861. Johnny and Dally: Two Friends that are Similar and Different True friends, are always similar and different. After Sumter was taken - The jeunesse dorée - The story of Beaufort Watts - Maria Whitaker's twins - The inconsistencies of life . Although Dally saves Johnny by … answer. Discuss how Pony and Johnny’s decision to help the children changes the action of the story. Dally was both the toughness and the anger that existed and held back the Greasers and Ponyboy. It. It is obvious that Pony and Johnny have many differences. answer. Dally reflects hatred while Johnny reflects sensitivity. Only the reader is aware of the fact that Dally's gun is unloaded, and the symbolic death of Dally in the spotlight is gone. He pulled an unloaded gun in order to force the police to shoot him. As they drive back to the church in Chapter 5, he explains, "You get hardened in jail. He feels lost, alone, and guilty. Dally knew what he wanted after the death of Johnny: He wanted to die. ... How long has it been since the death of Ponyboy's parents? Asked by Mercades #261031. He is a bit tougher than the others in Ponyboy’s gang, and at 17 he has already seen the inside of a jail. Dally Winston and Bob Sheldon have two very significant similarities. similarities. Dally shows up just in time for the fight; he has escaped from the hospital. What did Pony decide was the reason Dally couldn’t take Johnny’s death? Chapter Ten 1. Through everything, Johnny and Dally care about each other. This interaction between female Socs and male greasers sparks the anger of the Soc boys and motivates them to attack Johnny and Ponyboy. He pulled an unloaded gun in order to force the police to shoot him. Copy. In The Outsiders, S.E. Dally comes to the rumble after he threatens the nurse with Two - Bit ’s switchblade . The doctor tells the boys that Johnny is in critical condition and has a broken back from where the piece of timber fell on him.. One may also ask, what are Johnny's last … Therefore,Dally and Johnny both have significant differences and similarities. What is the difference between Dally and Johnny's death? The way each of their family life and the way they both reacted to Johnny’s death and how they view life make these two character from The Outsiders vastly different. Johnny dies more gallantly because he saved the children from the fire. For instance, before Dally is tough and shows little emotion throughout the book. Dally knew what he wanted after the death of Johnny: He wanted to die. Dally died by police fire: suicide by cop. “Stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem that Ponyboy recites to Johnny when the two hide out in the Windrixville Church. And now Johnny's gone." Why do you think he does so? 15 Greaser Side Vs Soc Side. There is a very good chance that Johnny could not survive. Dally didn't like haircuts nor hair oil, so his almost white-blonde hair (likely Platinum-Blonde) fell over his forehead in … THE OUTSIDERS S.E. Answered by Aslan 6 years ago 2/29/2016 8:18 PM. example, one way that Dally and Bob are the same is that they both enjoy fighting. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. So he held up a store and then fled from the police. Because Johnny is the one thing in the world Dally cares about ; Dally has watched out for johnny in fights and other stuff 6. Click to see full answer. Hinton, the characters Johnny and Dally are two buddies that have similarities and differences between them. As members of the gang the Greasers are very close to one another,especially to Johnny. 10. He knew this would be the result of his action and he wanted to die, because Johnny's death made his life unlivable. What does Pony mean on p. 123 when he says, "we could get along without anyone but Johnny"? Dally Winston resents his parents so much that he doesn’t bother mentioning them much throughout the novel. An illustration of a magnifying glass. Click to see full answer. THE OUTSIDERS S.E. Spider-Man surviving a nuclear explosion by hiding in a refrigerator, that'd be "plot armor." What is the difference about the death of dally. ... Ponyboy realizes an important truth as he compares Dally’s and Johnny’s deaths. Darry doesn’t treat Pony as bad in the movie as he did in the book. Dallas Winston died by robbing a convenience store after being all worked up about Johnny’s death and running from the police. Johnny feels hero-worship toward Dally, and thinks of him as the most gallant of all the gang. Dally wants to protect Johnny and keep him from turning out the way he himself has. Johnny died a hero and Dally died a hoodlum. Hinton, a significant difference between the book and film version during Dally’s last moments is when Dally robs a book store and calls the greasers. Plot Armor is when the hero faces something that doesn't make logical sense within the narrative for them to be able to survive. Why wouldn’t Cherry go visit Johnny? In the movie, there is a rich south side Soc and a poor north side Greaser. Answered by Aslan on 12/3/2013 11:41 PM Like, Spider-Man surviving a building collapsing on him is fine. For. Best Answer. While in the church, Johnny appears to act completely differently from how he normally does. Johnny Cade The “gang’s pet.” He is 16 years old, physically small, and comes from a physically and verbally abusive home. The two of them are Soc girls and given the history between the greasers and the socs, he wants to harass them. Cite textual evidence to support your response. As he lies dying in Chapter 9, Johnny Cade speaks these words to Ponyboy. 8. (Response should be two paragraphs) Cerca nel più grande indice di testi integrali mai esistito. It's not a significant difference to the plot and visually on the screen, it makes sense as a further representation of the rivalry between the two groups, but it's still odd reading Dally's description and comparing Matt Dillon's look to the description. Dally would've still had a possibility of ending up in jail (again) or doing the wrong things with the wrong crowd, but he wouldn't have left the world when he still had so much to experience. What is "Dally's" real name? the outsiders. What is the difference between Tim Sheppard‟s gang and Ponyboy‟s? Answers 1. Pony takes the death of Johnny and Dally a little less harder the movie then he did in the book. The characters Pony and Dally have many differences that separate the two of them from each other but at the same time they have many similarities too. When Dally phones, what is his message? Dally's view of Pony at the beginning of the novel did was that he was a young, and not at all tough. Johnny and Dally share differences and similarities that make them such unique characters. The movie has many more details and action then the book does. Ultimately, Johnny’s small acts of courage lead to murder, death, and heroic rescue. Johnny views Dally as a hero for his courage and loyal attitude. "Johnny was the only thing Dally loved. Dally - dies. Dally then experiences Ponyboy change in to a tough and brave greaser. What do you think Johnny‟s last words to Pony mean? Thereof, who kills dally in the outsiders? 3. He's a superhero, that's sort of his thing. Dally knew what he wanted after the death of Johnny: He wanted to die. The tension between two groups: The Greasers and The Socs puts Ponyboy Curtis and his best friend Johnny Cade in a bad spot. Get free homework help on S.E. Tags: Question 13 . These characters are Dally Winston and Bob Sheldon. In the book, Dallas Winston is said to have an elfish face with high cheekbones, a pointed chin, small, sharp animal teeth, and ears like a lynx. At the rumble, Ponyboy keenly notices the subtle subtext between Paul and Darry, former high school football teammates, who’ve just agreed to take each other on in the fight. What does he ask Dally and Ponyboy for while in the hospital? There is no difference they were both greasers meaning it does not matter. In “The Outsiders” by S.E. Johnny enjoys reading, as he really enjoys reading “Gone with the wind.”. The reason is that Johnny needs gang to stay alive or be happy and keep wanting to live. Dally died a hero and Johnny died a hoodlum. question. Copy. What is the difference between Dally and Johnny's death? When Dally was harassing Cherry Valance, Johnny was the only one who could stand up to him. But he also came to Dally's defense when Cherry spoke badly of him. Johnny compared Dally to the Southern gentlemen of Gone with the Wind because no matter what, he never got scared. After the fight, Ponyboy and Dally hurry back to see Johnny and find that he is dying.When Johnny dies, Dally loses control and runs from the room in a frenzy. There is no difference they were both greasers meaning it does not matter. ... What conclusion do they come to about the difference between Socs and Greasers? His final inspiring words make a difference in Ponyboy’s life. 2) Describe what the Socs tried to do to Ponyboy. Pony is in denial about Johnny's death, and keeps repeating that he isn't dead. He saved a lot of kids. seems impossible. In “The Outsiders” by S.E. He simply blows up emotionally. Name five things that happen during the rumble, including who won. Dally shows up, Pony gets kicked in the head, Brumly Boys break rules (uses pipe), greasers get minor injuries, the Socs ran. There are still a few differences like in the book, there is a rich west side and a poor east side. What are the differences between the East and West? Johnny was the only one he truly connected with and the only thing Dally loved; they were best friends. While the ways they are different is that Johnny is law-abiding while Dally is not, and Johnny is sensitive while Dally is mean and tough.…. An illustration of a magnifying glass. He calls to tell them that he has just robbed a grocery store and the cops are after him. Answers: 1. Johnny idolizes Dally. Dally's life was full of disappointment, failure, and rejection. 2) Describe what the Socs tried to do to Ponyboy. Journal Entry # 6: Staying Gold! Dally and Johnny both have this one significant similarity, they both care for each other. How does pony‟s dreaming, or lying to himself, finally work in this chapter? He goes home, tells his family that Johnny is dead and … Copy. Use this CliffsNotes The Outsiders Book Summary & Study Guide today to ace your next test! In The Outsiders, by S.E. He leaves the hospital and roams the streets until a stranger picks him up and drives him home. Thus, even though Johnny and Dally are very different, they are also very much the same. Even Dally wouldn't say or do anything to hurt Johnny. Johnny Depp looks on as Amber Heard takes the witness stand on 5 May. It can't hurt now"? After Johnny's death and Dally's departure, Ponyboy wanders through the hospital's halls in a daze. He is one of the only people that Dally cared for and now, Johnny is dead.

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what is the difference between dally and johnny's death