\boxed{\textup{Three times the difference of a number and seven is four times a number.}} The key word is difference, which tells us the operation is subtraction. Examples: Three more than a number = x + 3 The quotient of a number and 8 = y/8 Six times a number = 6 x n or 6n 15 less than a number = z - 15 The quotient of 30 and a number plus 10 = 30/x + 10. Product of p and q added to 7. x more than two-third of y. These letters are called here as variables. Three times a number x, minus four times second number y, divided by Seven times third number z. Solution. 8 + 3s. algebraic expressions and equations, assign a variable to represent the unknown number. 5z B. z + 5 C. 5z + 5 *** D. 5 - z 3. This is not graded. equals 30 minus that number. 8. Algebraic notation In algebra there are conventional ways of writing multiplication, division and indices. Take this one as an example: Five times the sum of four and two. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. The value of this expression can change. o Matthew: (6 + 4) + 2 o Paula was given the expression (3x + 5) - 4. In each case, write algebraic expression for the given verbal phrase. The sum of ¾ of a number and 7. Subtracting 4 from each side gives. Solution Let x: the unknown number. c) Six less than a certain number. The basics of algebra taught us how to express an unknown value using letters such as x, y, z, etc. 8 = 2x 2n = 18. [Example 5] 2 more than two thirds of a number is the same as a fourth of that number. Feedback to your answer is provided in the RESULTS BOX. The product of 5 and y added to 3 7. Four more than s 2. Algebra: Equations Section. Translate each word phrase into an algebraic expression: the difference of 20 20 and 4 4. the quotient of 10x 10 x and 3 3. The ratio of a number and four. The solution is x x 4 1 2 3 2 + = There are equivalent solutions like this one: x x 3 2 2 4 = + Note that "one fourth of a number" is the same as "the number divided by 4". Sentence. Answer: n + 22 or 22 + n As you can tell, all of the questions above deal with Algebraic expressions that deal with the addition of numbers — remember to think "addition" when you hear or read the words add, plus, increase or sum, as the resulting Algebraic expression will require the addition sign (+). 4 times the sum of a number and 8. When 6 times a number is increased by 4, the result is 40. Three times the difference of a number and seven is four times a number. The product of a number and five. Some examples of common phrases and corresponding expressions that involve two operations are: Phrase. Solve for x. 2. Lessons Lessons. Write an algebraic expression to represent each verbal expression. 3 x 3. a) a number less than fifteen b) three times the difference of a number and seven. six increased by twelve 6.) $16:(5 The sum of five times a number and 7 equals 18. The cube of the sum of two numbers x ll. Expressions. Algebra. 6 x + 4 = 40. humane society boston ma; latin kitchen restaurant. 3x = −6 is the same as Eight is the same as twice a number. Use numerals for the spelt-out numbers 4 less than 3 times a number is 3 more than 2 times the number Replace the words "a number" and "the number" by N 4 less than 3 times N is 3 more than 2 times N Replace the words " 3 times N " by 3N and replace the words " 2 times N " by 2N . Then, subtract the second number 9. In this case we are referring to a number b. 3 more than 5 times the number of dogs 6. 8 divided by y 14. y multiplied by 10 15. t more than w 16. one-third of z Which property did she apply when she rewrote the expression? 3. Quotient of 3 and x 3/x Five is three more than a number 5 = x + 3 The product of 2 times a number is 10 2x = 10 One half a number is 10 x/2 = 10 Five times the sum of x and 2 5(x + 2) Seven is greater than x 7 > x Five times the difference of a number and 4 5(x - 4) Ten subtracted from 10 times a number is that number plus 5 10x - 10 = x + 5 The numbers are constants. $\ 21 − x$. The key word is difference, which tells us the operation is subtraction. 3. 23. 6 + 7 x = 3 4. This algebraic expressions can be also written in verbal phrase: 1. Three times the difference of a number and seven is four times a number. Three times the sum of a number and 5 is equal to twice the number plus 5. When seven times a number is decreased by two times the number, the result is negative one. 25. Jane says he is incorrect and that it should be written as 2n - 6 = 4 . Which is an algebraic expression for the word phrase "8 less than the product of 12 and a . Q. eight plus triple the number of shirts Let s = number of shirts. Three times a number a. added to four times a second number b, divided by double a third number c. 12. Sum of the squares of x and y. Which is an algebraic expression for 5 more than z? 1. Write each phrase as an algebraic expression or equation. \[9c -7d . the differenceof20 and 4 20minus4 20 − 4 the difference of 20 a n d 4 20 . 5. If there are 76 boxes in a case, write an algebraic expression to show the total number of paper clips. Addition ( + ) plus A number plus three x + 3 more than Ten more than a number x + 10 . can be replaced by any number. The variable ?x? Th e product of 25 and a number f is 5. An algebraic expression is a mathematical expression that consists of numbers, variables and operators, and its value can change. 23f 9. 2 x 3 2x^3 2 x 3. 1. For instance, some expressions include more than one math operation. An algebraic expression is a compact way of describing mathematical objects using a combination of numbers, variables (letters), and arithmetic operations namely addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. [Solution] The phrase "is the same as" should be translated into the equal sign. 125p. Which word phrase can be used to represent the algebraic expression 4(21 + n)? 7 times x 6. x times 7 7. x divided by 10 8. 4 minus r 5. 7.) 7.) Evaluate the expression #3x-2y# when #x=4# and #y=5# #3 (4)-2 (5) = 12 - 10 = 2# If we change the values to #x=5# and #y=4#, we get #3 (5)-2 (4) = 15 - 8 =7#. Finally, add 5. View Answer. Here are some examples of algebraic expressions: 1. 4. If you were to translate this word for word, you'd change the word times to a multiplication symbol (⋅) and put a plus sign (+) between the four and the two. Two times eight 7.) Problem 1: Write an algebraic expression that will symbolize each of the following. The length of a football field is 30 yards more than its width. Of is the tricky word. The difference of 20 20 and 4 4 2. Sep 9, 2016 b + 4 Explanation: The phrase "4 more than" means 4 has been added onto a number. Some basic mathematical operators are +, -, x and /. X, Y, A, B are the most commonly used letters that represent algebraic problems and equations. Look for the words of and and to find the numbers to subtract. The basics of algebra taught us how to express an unknown value using letters such as x, y, z, etc. 76(p) 76 + p. 125 = p. Tags: Question 8 . a) 4x + 9 b) 2(x+5) c) x - 6 2. $\ 8 - 2$. Worked example 6.4: Expanding algebraic expressions with two bracketed terms. Remembering that "more than" means "plus that much", I'll be adding 30 to the w. The expression they're looking for is: Technically, 6 + n is n more than 6 although n + 6 will yield the same answer as 6 + n. Example #2 The difference of x and 9. 5 less than d 13. In each case, write algebraic expression for the given verbal phrase. The difference of a number and two. (a) Translate the following into an algebraic expression: Take any number, add 25 to it, multiply the sum by 3, subtract 60, and divide the difference by 3. 7 3 10. First, we're going to have this expression-- negative 5 plus something. 4 *** 2. For example 1/2 of a number means 1/2 times a number. Express the length of the field in terms of its width w. Whatever the width w is, the length is 30 more than this. Alan . Let's look at some examples of writing algebraic equations. When eight times a number is increased by ve, the result is equal to the original number plus twenty-six. 8 more than 4 times a number. 5x + 8 11. Nine less than x 4. View Answer. answer choices . 3.3 Writing Algebraic Expressions Algebra is a language of mathematicians, and in order to understand mathematics, you must understand the language. Sum of x and twice y. Subtraction of z from y. 8 more than 4 times a number ____ B. Six more than twice a number Look at the phrases below and re-write them into an algebraic expression: 7 x + 6. x i represents the ith number in the set. The length of a football field is 30 yards more than its width. Now, take the product of negative 8 and that expression and then add 6. In algebra, letters are used to stand for values that can change (variables) or for values that are not known (unknowns).A term is a number or letter on its own, or numbers and . The expressions can be written as verbal phrase or algebraic expression. 4 (y + 7) 5 less than the product of 3 and a number. 15 less than a number squared 5. 3(x - 2) C. 3x + 2 D. 2(x + 3) E. 3x - 2 Match the verbal phrase and the expression 3 times the sum of a number and 5: is equal to: twice the number . 24. Section 1.2 Writing Expressions 13 Write the phrase as an expression. C. Write algebraic expressions for these word phrases 1. 3. $\ x + 3$. 3x + 2 Writing Algebraic Expressions You can translate word phrases into variable expressions. c.) ten times the sum of a number and eleven. Find the number. 4. Example: (5{x^3},{x^3} + 3xy + 12{y^2}, {y^2} + 3x - 8{y^3} + 9…)etc. d) A certain number less than 6. e) A number repeated as a factor three times. the product of 2 and a number: 2x: 6 added to a number: 6+x: twice a number plus 5: 2x+5: 4 less than a number: x-4: 3 less than 2 times a number: 2x-3: 2 times the sum of x and 6: 2(x+6) the quotient of 6 and a number: 6/x: the product of 5 and a number: 5a: 6 more than twice a number: 2x+6: two less than a number: x-2: the sum of 9 and a . In the table below, the letter . $\frac {y} {4}$. 2x - 3 B. Look for the words of and and to find the numbers to subtract. Expression. So let's do it step by step. six increased by twelve 6.) the product of 12 and the sum of a number and negative 3 $16:(5 the difference between the product of 4 and a number and the square of the number $16:(5 4x ± x2 Write a verbal sentence to represent each equation. Write two written expressions for each algebraic expression. 27. 6 + 7x = 34 6+ 7x = 34 as our equation. A number decreased by six 3.) \frac {5} {4}x + \frac {1} {8}x= \frac {9} {8} + x. Problem 1: Translate into a mathematical expression: 5 less than one third of the product of 2 and a number: 2x: 6 added to a number: 6+x: twice a number plus 5: 2x+5: 4 less than a number: x-4: 3 less than 2 times a number: 2x-3: 2 times the sum of x and 6: 2(x+6) the quotient of 6 and a number: 6/x: the product of 5 and a number: 5a: 6 more than twice a number: 2x+6: two less than a number: x-2: the sum of 9 and a . Twice a number is eighteen. Letting x stand for the number gives the equation. 4x - 2y 3. c - 32 4. The square of the sum of two numbers x - 10. Twice the sum of m and n. b decreased by twice a. A. 5x + 6. 3. Translating Words into Algebraic Expressions HW1 Translating Words into Algebraic Equations HW2 . This Java program enables the user to enter an integer value. 3w - 5. Exercises Directions: Choose the algebraic expression that correctly represents the phrase provided. Two more than three times a number x C A. Twice a number. 18^2 C. 3 - a D. 21 . 7x+6 7x +6 or the algebraic equation as. Any letter will do. answer : 6n, or 6x, or 6m. 6 less than a number ____ C. 3( y - 2) . In order to evaluate this expression, we'll need values (numbers) for both #x# and #y#. Write an algebraic equation for each word phrase. Write an algebraic expression for the following: Five more than the quotient of a number and 2 . Product of p and q added to 7. x more than two-third of y. 6 - 4y 12. 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four times a number plus three algebraic expression