Instead, he is constantly putting Hagrid in dangerous situations - often enough to get him killed. "Seventeen, eh!" said Hagrid as he accepted a bucket-sized glass of wine from Fred. His intuition is always one step ahead of those around him, so J.K. Rowling's reveal that he could sometimes see Harry under the cloak shouldn't come as a surprise. Hagrid, who was on a first name basis with him. Physical possession is irrelevant.". He had known Dumbledore for over 50 years. You know that Hagrid will publicly defend you. And when one Potterhead brought up why Dumbledore couldn't do more to keep Newt in . There are other circumstances why this is so. Who's more powerful: Dumbledore or Thor? Hagrid is secretly a much more talented wizard than he lets on. Dumbledore was the superior duelist, and could have, with time, defeated Riddle. He could make the wardrobe in Tom Riddle's room burst into flames with just a flick of his wand. Though he was ultimately defeated, we know he put up a good fight. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione want advice or want to talk to someone about what is going on at the school or with Voldemort, they go to Hagrid not Dumbledore. by: Jill . A great deal of Severus paused dramatically before saying "Homosexuality is a common trait amongst Dumbledore's strays." Hagrid looked at him puzzled for a moment and vaguely offended the next, before finally a look of realization spread across his face. He is revered in the wizarding world as one of the greatest wizards in the modern era. Why? Both Dumbledore and Voldemort hold tremendous sway over very disparate groups of people, and they both . RELATED: 10 Ways Harry Potter Would Be Better As An Anime 4. Hagrid respected Dumbledore for a variety of reasons - 1. J.K. Rowling Reveals That Grindelwald Is Even More Powerful Than We Imagined. Proof for that is that he was the only man ever to manipulate Dumbledore. When we talked about who is stronger - Dumbledore or Grindelwald, we concluded that it is definitely Albus Dumbledore, after all, because good is the one who always wins.But, this is not the only reason. Dumbledore decisively shuts down Harry . Hagrid stood at eleven feet, six inches tall. Tom had specifically instructed his Death Eaters to go home too, for he didn't want Dumbledore growing even more suspicious than he already was. But it can't take Hagrid more than five hours to get from the Potters' house in the West Country to Surrey via flying motorcycle. 9 Dumbledore Allowed Hagrid To Remain At Hogwarts While Dumbledore had no control over Hagrid's fate and expulsion, he did all he could to keep Hagrid around Hogwarts. This is much like Hagrid and Dumbledore. 5. In the world of Harry Potter, Hagrid and Dumbledore are close allies and colleagues, working together to try and protect Harry and stop Voldemort.In some ways, they could be seen as the two different types of father figure that Harry needs at Hogwarts; Dumbledore is wise, but standoffish and an authority figure, whereas Hagrid is the friend that he turns to for the day to day stuff, who lacks . 1. . Dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think that there was a little more love in the . 39. 6 December 1928) was an English half-giant wizard, son of Mr Hagrid and the giantess Fridwulfa, and elder half-brother of the giant Grawp. That's why the two of them got along so well when they were younger. J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 11, 2016. Hagrid is certainly aware Voldemort is Tom Riddle, the boy he knew. Best Albus Dumbledore Quotes. Gellert Grindelwald is one of the few people to actually duel Dumbledore in the world of Harry Potter. 4. It's one of my personal head canon theories that Dumbledore would have done everything in his power to help and teach Hagrid. "What we need is more time.". Today, we decided to see who is more powerful, Dumbledore or Voldemort. . Dumbledore's name is synonymous with magical potency. Dumbledore is a very powerful wizard. Gandalf is more fully fleshed-out, but as an immortal, he's not a normal person. Rowling has admi Thor. Beyond his many . Hagrid Quotes. Whenever discussing characters from the Harry Potter movies that have some of the franchise's best moments, Professor Albus Dumbledore is one with a hefty list that ranges from exciting to understated and joyful to heartbreaking. But nothing I have seen in the world has supported your pronouncements that love is more powerful than my kind of magic, Dumbledore. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was currently in a dilemma as he observed the two desperate children before him. Dumbledore was able to convince the then-Headmaster, Armando Dippet, to keep Hagrid around and train him in the art of groundskeeping. This is evident in the very fact that Dumbledore trusts Hagrid with protecting Harry from the very beginning. And I can't recall another time where Dumbledore's life could seriously be said to be in danger, apart from the duel with Voldemort (which didn't involve Hagrid in any way). 2 Dumbledore Continually Put Him In Danger Once again, Hagrid is not the only person who gets this treatment from Dumbledore, but it's clear that he is not exactly concerned about making sure that his 'friend' is safe. "Some were afraid, some just wanted a bit o' his power." -Hagrid. Also, Hagrid's first name, "Rubeus," comes from the Latin "rubinius," or "red." "Albus" (as in Albus Dumbledore) comes from "alba" meaning "white." As Rowling as said, "Rubeus (red) Hagrid and Albus (white) Dumbledore…both hugely important to Harry, seem to me to represent two sides of the ideal father figure he . To be honest I have always thought Grindelwald is more powerful than Voldemort. vote votes. By Thomas Bacon Published Aug 13, 2019 A new theory suggests that Hagrid, one of the most beloved Harry Potter characters of all, could secretly have been one of Voldemort's Death Eater. Voldemort got the bump due to the fact that Grindlewald lost to Dumbledore but Voldemort stalemated, but Grindlewald is easily the third most powerful character we know of in the series. His lies may have started earlier than this, but his first big lie of the series was all the way back when Hagrid dropped him off at the Dursley's. Today we will be taking the side of Voldemort, because yeah, it took seven books to end him. Some people say that Voldemort is definitely more powerful because he was the wizard that Dumbledore couldn't defeat. Hands-down, Albus Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard of his time. The Harry Potter ensemble never hesitate to fight for what's the best for the Wizarding World.The Order of the Phoenix, a secret task force founded by Dumbledore, unites many of them in the fight against Voldemort. McP on December 06, 2018: 1. Hands-down, Albus Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard of his time. He and Dumbledore are actually remarkably similar. Voldemort: The old argument, he said softly. Lending more credence to this possibility, Dumbledore remarks to Harry in the Deathly Hallows, chapter "King's Cross," about winning the wand from Grindelwald . Though Hagrid might not be aware of his own prowess, it's possible that Dumbledore is. Admittedly, Dumbledore is not a character who has a great track record when it comes to telling the truth, but he's definitely lied to Hagrid more than most people (except Harry, of course). Dumbledore: Perhaps you have been looking in the wrong places. First of all, keep in mind that Hagrid is a half-giant and just in general, really strong. Chapter Text. The only other students that had stayed at school for the holidays were a couple of Ravenclaw fourth-year girls, two Hufflepuff sixth-year boys, and that third-year giant Hagrid from Gryffindor. Others argue that Dumbledore is a greater, more powerful wizard because he has more powers than Voldemort, but is too good to use them. Odin is more remote and unattainable. Always such a tease when it comes to keeping secrets. 2. Dumbledore was an extremely powerful wizard. "Now, in 1967, when Tom Riddle began killing again, he was magically more powerful than Dumbledore, but in realistic terms, was nowhere near a match for him. In the world of Harry Potter, Hagrid and Dumbledore are close allies and colleagues, working together to try and protect Harry and stop Voldemort.In some ways, they could be seen as the two different types of father figure that Harry needs at Hogwarts; Dumbledore is wise, but standoffish and an authority figure, whereas Hagrid is the friend that he turns to for the day to day stuff, who lacks . So he comes to actual power after Dumbledore's death. He can read minds. Quotes tagged as "hagrid" Showing 1-30 of 31. not Hagrid. Dumbledore was a more skillful, more powerful, modest, more knowledgeable person than Voldemort because the whole wizarding community admired his power and knowledge. His lies may have started earlier than this, but his first big lie of the series was all the way back when Hagrid dropped him off at the Dursley's. Now, as Tom turned into a Dark Lord and began gathering support, Dumbledore dueled him many times. With this in mind, Dumbledore's decision to send Hagrid and Madame Maxime to negotiate with them is incredibly reckless, especially as old Rubeus no longer has access to a fully functioning wand . This is evident in the very fact that Dumbledore trusts Hagrid with protecting Harry from the very beginning. Albus, however, edges out Snape thanks to the former's greater base power, and deeper understanding of the complexities of "old" magic. Albus Dumbledore. This means Voldemort's longest known relationships are with these two. Because, although Dumbledore is one of the most powerful wizards we know of, he has always known the strength of having allies around him. 5 Grawp & Hagrid Are Rare Examples Of Kind . 38. ¡HOMENUM REVELIO! Most regarded him as the strongest wizard in history, and even Lord Voldemort himself feared to face him. People feared him rather than loved him. Professor Rubeus Hagrid (b. Hagrid and Dumbledore are also the two people who Tom Riddle (a.k.a. "Six years to the day we met, Harry, d'yeh remember it?" "Vaguely," said Harry, grinning up at him. Dumbledore was driven out of Hogwarts twice, but his life could hardly be said to be in danger either time. Hagrid was also friends with the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest, sometimes even visiting them.This can all indicate that Hagrid was a considerably talented person in the subject and this was most likely his strongest subject, possessing more knowledge than even wizards who were more powerful and intelligent, despite lacking the qualifications . (remember Hagrid had very big consequences when he was expelled)? Hippogriffs are not necessarily stronger or more powerful than thestrals in the confines of the . 1 They Never Seem To Socialize Additionally, Snape is more skilled in potions than Dumbledore, making him a powerful contender for Albus's spot on the list. Dumbledore was one of the greatest wizards alive, so powerful that even You-Know-Who feared him. Who is more powerful Gandalf or Dumbledore? From it bursting into flames and aiding Dumbledore in a daring escape from the Ministry to helping Harry against . The Headmaster at Hogwarts. But Voldemort feared him (but did not accept it); he knew that Dumbledore knew more magic than him, so it frightened him. He rallied all the free peoples of Middle-Earth to the cause, gave them heart, and sacrificed himself to save his friends and the quest . can come in different shapes and sizes, with some posing more of a threat than others. Dumbledore . "It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.". vote votes. Hagrid is much more universally loved than Dumbledore. "Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels, but old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.". Hagrid attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1940 and was sorted into Gryffindor house. So it seems plausible that, during his duel with Grindelwald, Dumbledore wins because the wand judges him to be the more powerful wizard. Because Harry Potter— and Dumbledore— were there. Whether you've hosted Harry Potter movie marathons more times than you can count, or have read each of the seven books on more than one occasion, Potterheads know there are some classic lines that will always stay with you. Gandalf is greater than Dumbledore although (or perhaps because) he had less power. Hagrid, being in close proximity to Dumbledore would have been a witness to powerful feats of magic. The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films. Indeed, years and years beyond the events of Fantastic Beasts, we already know that Dumbledore would have future armies banding together, when a different Dark wizard overtook the wizarding world. Hagrid has been performing deep cover tradecraft, espionage, source validation, sabotage, and spotting and assessing for Voldemort. According to Harry and Hermione, they had been going to Hagrid's Hut when they encountered Sirius Black's Animagus form as a black dog dragged Ronald into the Whomping Willow. I imagine it's much more difficult block out a wizard as powerful as Dumbledore while controlling Quirrell-Horcux. Dumbledore is a "skilled legilimens" in fact he described himself as "skilled enough to know when he's being lied to…" HP Lexicon. 3. The Harry Potter universe is filled with powerful witches and wizards, all with their own unique abilities and specialties. The same Hagrid who was a member of the original Order of the Phoenix dedicated to fighting Voldemort, and a confidant of Dumbledore. He was strong, yes, and he had charisma, but unlike Grinderwald, who had an actual army and terrorized the entire wizarding world, Voldemort failed year after year to take control of a single school. Though Hagrid might not be aware of his own prowess, it's possible that Dumbledore is. With this in mind, Dumbledore's decision to send Hagrid and Madame Maxime to negotiate with them is incredibly reckless, especially as old Rubeus no longer has access to a fully functioning wand . "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." —Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. He looked at me , then pocketed his wand and threw the blanket over the both of us as my cheeks grew red and hot at the sudden close proximity. Voldemort) really knew while he was a student at Hogwarts. He was brave, wise, and incredibly adept at magic. Image: Via Warner Bros. Pictures Hagrid Via Warner Bros. Pictures Hagrid . That Harry learns more of Voldemort in fleeting encounters than he does of Dumbledore in the entirety of their mentorship is perhaps not surprising, but it is telling. 2. Most regarded him as the strongest wizard in history, and even Lord Voldemort himself feared to face him. That's a lot of time unaccounted for. Throughout the book, Dumbledore serves as a parental figure and a guide for Harry, making the crucial early decision to send him to live with Vernon . Dumbledore had known about Hagrid's origins and yet, when Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts due to him being accused of opening the chamber of secrets, Dumbledore believed in Hagrid and gave him the job of the keeper of keys and grounds of Hogwarts. Grindelwald, like Dumbledore, is a genius. So there's also a respect Hagrid has for people who can perform such powerful magic, seeing as Hagrid could never become a fully accomplished wizard. After all, some of the most inspirational quotes out there come from Albus Dumbledore himself (well, technically J.K. Rowling). Hagrid, an orphan, has looked to Dumbledore for protection and care since he was in school. Hagrid is the longest known associate of Voldemort other than Dumbledore that we know of. after a famous duel with Dumbledore . So in that, Dumbledore knew that he could trust Hagrid with his life because Hagrid's pattern dictated that he would do everything he could to remain loyal and fulfill his duties. Remind Me Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore opens April 15. Dumbledore has been revered in the wizarding community for years as a genius and according to groundskeeper at Hogwarts, Rubeus Hagrid, is a "great man." It is Dumbledore's master plan that leads Harry and the Order of the Phoenix to be able to defeat Voldemort. Beyond his many . More than 24 hours pass between then and Dumbledore's meeting with McGonagall, Hagrid, and Baby Harry on Privet Drive. Given, Voldemort is also a Legilimens & a Occlumen. Albus Dumbledore - he was a bit more skilled then Grindelwald, and managed to defeat him, while . Admittedly, Dumbledore is not a character who has a great track record when it comes to telling the truth, but he's definitely lied to Hagrid more than most people (except Harry, of course). Dumbledore is an old wizard with a long white beard and half-moon-shaped glasses. Tom may be more evil but Grindelwald was smarter and more cunning. Dumbledore said they were near equals in skill, and his reign of terror and reputation alone is a testament to his magical strength. He would be able to match Captain America, who is probably just as strong, but Hagrid has his pink umbrella. Rubeus Hagrid is a fictional character in the Harry Potter book series written by J. K. Rowling.He is introduced in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as a half-giant and half-human who is the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts, the primary setting for the first six novels.In the third novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hagrid is promoted to Care of . And yet he wasn't stronger than Grinderwald, and he wasn't more powerful than Dumbledore. You know that Hagrid will cry like a baby if he gets emotional. Hagrid is one of Harry Potter's best friends - but a shocking new theory suggests he was secretly a Death Eater, working for Voldemort. Further complicating the issue is that all this began before Harry was ever born. Dumbledore clearly has power over him, as a father-figure and an employer, leaving Hagrid (who may well be an alcoholic) in a truly vulnerable position, which Dumbledore happily exploits. Hagrid nodded and leaned forward like a student getting ready to hear new gossip. 69. Oh, J.K. But this probably would have taken the form of subtle hints and nudges towards certain books in the library, idle talk of wand techniques over cups of tea and brandy in Hagrid's hut.

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is hagrid more powerful than dumbledore